Shivaye Gowri Series

My ShivayaGauri series portrays aspects of Shiva (purusha)and Gauri (shakthi/Prakriti).when Shiva and Shakti combine  action, movement and creation arise. Until energy is impregnated with consciousness it is ignorant, disordered, aimless and “blind”. Energy alone can produce nothing; consciousness bestows upon it content, form and direction. Conversely, consciousness without energy is dormant power, sleeping energy, and on its own is unable to be the cause of anything. Just as Prakriti without Purusha is unable to act, and vice versa, Purusha without Prakriti is also incapable of creating anything.
Shakti is the motherly love of God that surrounds us with warmth, caring and protection. Prakriti is the manifestation, nature.
Shiva is the paternal love of God that gives us consciousness, clarity and knowledge. Īshwara is the omnipresent, eternal, formless divine principle.

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